(001) Articles of Association (EN)

              (002) Articles of Association (CN)

              (003) Prospectus of the Company dated April 11, 2022 (EN)

              (004) Prospectus of the Company dated April 11, 2022 (CN)

              (005) 2022 Annual Report of the Company (EN)

              (006) 2022 Annual Report of the Company (CN)

              (007) 2023 Annual Report of the Company (EN)

              (008) 2023 Annual Report of the Company (CN)

              (009) 2024 Interim Results Announcement (EN)

              (010) 2024 Interim Results Announcement (CN)

              (011) Letter from the Board (EN)

              (012) Letter from the Board (CN)

              (013) Letter from the Independent Board Committee (EN)

              (014) Letter from the Independent Board Committee (CN)

              (015) Letter from Deutsche Bank (EN)

              (016) Letter from Deutsche Bank (CN)

              (017) Letter from Altus Capital Limited (EN)

              (018) Letter from Altus Capital Limited (CN)

              (019) Report from PricewaterhouseCoopers in respect of the unaudited pro forma financial information of the Group (EN)

              (020) Report from PricewaterhouseCoopers in respect of the unaudited pro forma financial information of the Group (CN)

              (021) The Irrevocable Undertakings

              (022) Written Consent of Deutsche Bank

              (023) Written Consent of Altus Capital

              (024) Written Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers